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Package monaco-graphql

Changelog | API Docs | Discord Channel

GraphQL language plugin for the Monaco Editor. You can use it to build vscode/codespaces-like web or desktop IDEs using whatever frontend javascript libraries or frameworks you want, or none!

  • webpack example using plain javascript, shows how to change schemas
  • vite + react example - minimal example with variables (C)JSON support using react
  • live demo of the monaco webpack example (prompts for GitHub access token!)

NOTE: This is in pre-release state as we build towards GraphiQL 2.0.x. codemirror-graphql has more features (such as JSON variables validation) and is more stable.


It provides the following features while editing GraphQL files:

  • Configurable multi-model, multi-schema language worker with fileMatch expressions
  • Code completion (schema driven) for Operation and SDL types
    • Automatic expansion & completion on leaf type completion
  • Hover (schema driven) with markdown support
  • Validation (schema driven)
  • JSON Variables validation and language features (schema driven)
  • Formatting - using prettier
  • Syntax Highlighting & Basic Languages provided by monaco-editor basic languages support
  • Configurable formatting options
  • Providing external fragments
  • create custom workers for custom language service options - parser, validation rules, schemaBuilder, etc


For now, we use language id of graphql until we can ensure we can dovetail nicely with the official graphql language ID.

To use with webpack, here is an example to get you started:

yarn add monaco-graphql

Sync Example

import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api';

import { initializeMode } from 'monaco-graphql/initializeMode'; // `monaco-graphql/esm/initializeMode` still works

// you can also configure these using the webpack or vite plugins for `monaco-editor`
import GraphQLWorker from 'worker-loader!monaco-graphql/esm/graphql.worker';

// instantiates the worker & language features with the schema!
const MonacoGraphQLAPI = initializeMode({
  schemas: [
      schema: myGraphqlSchema as GraphQLSchema,
      // anything that monaco.URI.from() is compatible with
      uri: 'https://my-schema.com',
      uri: '/my-schema.graphql',
      // match the monaco file uris for this schema.
      // accepts specific uris and anything `picomatch` supports.
      // (everything except bracket regular expressions)
      fileMatch: ['**/*.graphql'],
      // note: not sure if ^ works if the graphql model is using urls for uris?

window.MonacoEnvironment = {
  getWorker(_workerId: string, label: string) {
    if (label === 'graphql') {
      return new GraphQLWorker();
    // if you are using vite or webpack plugin, it will be found here
    return new Worker('editor.worker.js');
monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('someElementId'), {
  value: 'query { }',
  language: 'graphql',
  formatOnPaste: true,

Lazy Example

The existing API works as before in terms of instantiating the schema. To avoid manually calling getWorker(), you can use the monaco editor plugins for webpack or vite (see examples, and below)

import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api';
// enables our language worker right away, despite no schema
import 'monaco-graphql';

// you can also configure these using the webpack or vite plugins for `monaco-editor`
import GraphQLWorker from 'worker-loader!monaco-graphql/esm/graphql.worker';

// lazily invoke the api config methods whenever we want!
    schema: myGraphqlSchema as GraphQLSchema,
    // anything that monaco.URI.from() is compatible with
    uri: 'https://my-schema.com',
    uri: '/my-schema.graphql',
    // match the monaco file uris for this schema.
    // accepts specific uris and anything `picomatch` supports.
    // (everything except bracket regular expressions)
    fileMatch: ['**/*.graphql'],
    // note: not sure if ^ works if the graphql model is using urls for uris?

window.MonacoEnvironment = {
  getWorker(_workerId: string, label: string) {
    if (label === 'graphql') {
      return new GraphQLWorker();
    return new Worker('editor.worker.js');
monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('someElementId'), {
  value: 'query { }',
  language: 'graphql',
  formatOnPaste: true,

This will cover the basics, making an HTTP POST with the default introspectionQuery() operation. To customize the entire fetcher, see advanced customization below. For more customization options, see the Monaco Editor API Docs

Advanced Usage

Variables JSON Support!

In monaco-graphql@0.5.0 we introduced a method getVariablesJSONSchema that allows you to retrieve a JSONSchema description for the declared variables for any given set of operations

Full Sync Demo with Variables JSON

import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api';

import { initializeMode } from 'monaco-graphql/initializeMode';

import GraphQLWorker from 'worker-loader!monaco-graphql/esm/graphql.worker';

window.MonacoEnvironment = {
  getWorker(_workerId: string, label: string) {
    if (label === 'graphql') {
      return new GraphQLWorker();
    return new Worker('editor.worker.js');

// the language service will be instantiated once the schema is available
const MonacoGraphQLAPI = initializeMode({
  schemas: [
      // anything that monaco.URI.from() is compatible with
      uri: 'https://my-schema.com',
      // match the monaco file uris for this schema.
      // accepts specific filenames and anything `picomatch` supports.
      fileMatch: ['**/*.graphql'],
      schema: myGraphqlSchema as GraphQLSchema,

const operationModel = monaco.editor.createModel(
  'query {}',

const operationEditor = monaco.editor.create(
    model: operationModel,
    language: 'graphql',
    formatOnPaste: true,

const variablesSchemaUri = monaco.editor.URI.file('/variables-schema.json');

const variablesModel = monaco.editor.createModel(

const variablesEditor = monaco.editor.create(
    model: variablesModel,
    language: 'graphql',
    formatOnPaste: true,

// high-level method for configuring json variables validation
  validateVariablesJson: {
    // Urls, uris, anything that monaco.URI.from() is compatible with.
    // Match operation model to variables editor,
    // and the language service will automatically listen for changes,
    // and compute the json schema using the GraphQLWorker.
    // This is in the main process is applied to the global monaco json settings
    // for validation, completion and more using monaco-json's built-in JSON Schema support.
    [operationModel.uri.toString()]: [variablesModel.uri.toString()],
  jsonDiagnosticSettings: {
    allowComments: true, // allow json, parse with a jsonc parser to make requests

  // this auto-fills NonNull leaf fields
  // it used to be on by default, but is annoying when
  // fields contain required argument.
  // hoping to fix that soon!
  __experimental__fillLeafsOnComplete: true,

You can also experiment with the built-in jsonc? (JSON syntax that allows comments and trailing commas, for tsconfig.json, etc.) and the 3rd party monaco-yaml language modes for completion of other types of variable input. you can also experiment with editor methods to parse detected input into different formats, etc (yaml pastes as json, etc.)

You could of course prefer to generate a jsonschema form for variables input using a framework of your choice, instead of an editor. Enjoy!


You can also import a "lite" version, and manually enable only the monaco features you want!

Warning: by default, completion and other features will not work, only highlighting and validation.

import { initializeMode } from 'monaco-graphql/lite';

// enable completion
import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/inlineCompletions.contribution';

const api = initializeMode({
  schemas: [
      // anything that monaco.URI.from() is compatible with
      uri: 'schema.graphql',
      // match the monaco file uris for this schema.
      // accepts specific filenames and anything `picomatch` supports.
      fileMatch: ['operation.graphql'],
      schema: myGraphqlSchema as GraphQLSchema,

MonacoGraphQLAPI (typedoc)

If you call any of these API methods to modify the language service configuration at any point at runtime, the webworker will reload relevant language features.

If you import 'monaco-graphql' synchronously, you can access the api via monaco.languages.graphql.api.

import 'monaco-graphql';
// now the api will be available on the `monaco.languages` global
const { api } = monaco.languages.graphql;
import 'monaco-graphql';

// also this
import { languages } from 'monaco-editor';
// now the api will be available on the `monaco.languages` global
const { api } = languages.graphql;

Otherwise, you can, like in the sync demo above:

import { initializeMode } from 'monaco-graphql/initializeMode';

const api = initializeMode(config);


same as the above, except it overwrites the entire schema config.

you can provide multiple, and use fileMatch to map to various uri "directory" globs or specific files. uri can be an url or file path, anything parsable

// you can load it lazily
import 'monaco-graphql';

    schema: GraphQLSchema,
    fileMatch: ['**/*.graphql'],
    uri: 'my-schema.graphql',

or you can load the language features only when you have your schema

import { initializeMode } from 'monaco-graphql/initializeMode';

const schemas = [
    schema: GraphQLSchema,
    fileMatch: ['operations/*.graphql'],
    uri: 'my-schema.graphql',
const api = initializeMode({ schemas });

// add another schema. this will cause language workers and features to reset
    introspectionJSON: myIntrospectionJSON,
    fileMatch: ['specific/monaco/uri.graphql'],
    uri: 'another-schema.graphql',

or if you want, replace the entire configuration with a single schema. this will cause the worker to be entirely re-created and language services reset

    introspectionJSON: myIntrospectionJSON,
    fileMatch: ['**/*.graphql'],
    uri: 'my-schema.graphql',


This is where you can toggle monaco language features. all are enabled by default.

  documentFormattingEdits: true,
  completionItems: true,
  hovers: true,
  documentSymbols: true,
  diagnostics: true,


this accepts an object { prettierConfig: prettier.Options }, which accepts any prettier option. it will not re-load the schema or language features, however the new prettier options will take effect.

this method overwrites the previous configuration, and will only accept static values that can be passed between the main/worker process boundary.

  // if you wanna be like that
  prettierOptions: { tabWidth: 2, useTabs: true },


Append external fragments to be used by autocomplete and other language features.

This accepts either a string that contains fragment definitions, or TypeDefinitionNode[]


  validateVariablesJson: {
    // Urls, uris, anything that monaco.URI.from() is compatible with.
    // Match operation model to variables editor,
    // and the language service will automatically listen for changes,
    // and compute the json schema using the GraphQLWorker.
    // This is in the main process is applied to the global monaco json settings
    // for validation, completion and more using monaco-json's built-in JSON Schema support.
    [operationModel.uri.toString()]: [variablesModel.uri.toString()],
  jsonDiagnosticSettings: {
    allowComments: true, // allow json, parse with a jsonc parser to make requests



you'll can refer to the webpack configuration in the full monaco webpack example to see how it works with webpack and the official monaco-editor-webpack-plugin. there is probably an easier way to configure webpack worker-loader for this.


  • for additional features, please specify them in features for the webpack plugin, or import them directly
  • if you are trying to add typescript as a language, there is an outstanding bug with the webpack plugin, see our next.js example for the workaround. do not specify languages: ['typescript'] or javascript


You can configure vite to load monaco-editor json mode and even the language editor worker using the example for our mode

Be sure to import additional editor features and language modes manually, as the vite plugin only allows you to specify languageWorkers. See the vite example to see how to add typescript support

Web Frameworks

the plain javascript webpack example should give you a starting point to see how to implement it with


  • use-monaco seems to support the custom language worker configuration we want, and seems to be well built! we hope to help them build their
  • when loading it yourself, either dynamic import the mode and/or instantiate it yourself using useEffect on didMount to prevent breaking SSR.
  • it may work with other libraries by using a similar strategy to this. you can also provide MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl which works better as an async import of your pre-build worker files

Custom Webworker (for passing non-static config to worker)

If you want to pass a custom parser and/or validation rules, it is supported, however the setup is a bit more complicated.

You can add any LanguageServiceConfig (typedoc) configuration options you like here to languageConfig as below.

This is because we can't pass non-static configuration to the existing worker programmatically, so you must import these and build the worker custom with those functions. Part of the (worthwhile) cost of crossing runtimes!

you'll want to create your own my-graphql.worker.ts file, and add your custom config such as schemaLoader to createData:

import type { worker as WorkerNamespace } from 'monaco-editor';
// @ts-expect-error - ignore missing types
import * as worker from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker';

import { GraphQLWorker } from 'monaco-graphql/esm/GraphQLWorker';

import { myValidationRules } from './custom';

self.onmessage = () => {
      ctx: WorkerNamespace.IWorkerContext,
      createData: monaco.languages.graphql.ICreateData,
    ) => {
      createData.languageConfig.customValidationRules = myValidationRules;
      return new GraphQLWorker(ctx, createData);

then, in your application:

import EditorWorker from 'worker-loader!monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker';

// specify the path to your language worker
import GraphQLWorker from 'worker-loader!./my-graphql.worker';

window.MonacoEnvironment = {
  getWorker(_workerId: string, label: string) {
    return label === 'graphql' ? new GraphQLWorker() : new EditorWorker();

or, if you have webpack configured for it:

window.MonacoEnvironment = {
  getWorkerUrl(_workerId: string, label: string) {
    return label === 'graphql' ? 'my-graphql.worker.js' : 'editor.worker.js';

with vite you just need:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monacoEditorPlugin from 'vite-plugin-monaco-editor';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      customWorker: [
          label: 'graphql',
          entry: 'my-graphql.worker.js',

Monaco Editor Tips

If you are familiar with Codemirror/Atom-era terminology and features, here's some gotchas:

  • "hinting" => "code completion" in LSP terminology
  • "linting" => "diagnostics" in lsp terminology
  • the default keymap is different, more vscode like
  • command palette and right click context menu are important
  • you can extend the provided standard completion, linting, etc. for example, editor.setModelMarkers()
  • Monaco Editor API Docs
  • Monaco Editor Samples repository is great for tips on implementing with different bundlers, runtimes, etc.

Avoid Bundle All monaco-editor's Languages

While importing monaco-editor in your project, you silently import 83 builtin languages, such as typescript, html, css, json and others. You can found a full list of basic-languages and languages.

For monaco-graphql, you need only 2 languages - graphql and json. In version monaco-graphql@1.3.0 and later, you can replace all monaco-editor's imports with monaco-graphql/esm/monaco-editor to improve performance, load only graphql and json languages, and skip loading unused languages.

-import { ... } from 'monaco-editor'
+import { ... } from 'monaco-graphql/esm/monaco-editor'

Catch Future Import Mistakes with ESLint

To prevent mis-importing of monaco-editor, you can set up default no-restricted-imports rule for JavaScript projects or @typescript-eslint/no-restricted-imports for TypeScript projects.

  rules: {
    // or @typescript-eslint/no-restricted-imports
    'no-restricted-imports': [
        name: 'monaco-editor',
        message: '`monaco-editor` imports all languages; use `monaco-graphql/esm/monaco-editor` instead to import only `json` and `graphql` languages',


microsoft/monaco-json was our inspiration from the outset, when it was still a standalone repository. @acao actually wholesale copied many files, you could almost say it was a fork!


  • variables JSON validation
  • variables completion
  • Symbols & Definitions
  • file uri-driven schema loading
  • op -> schema & schema -> schema references
  • insertText for field and argument completion






Type aliases



Object literals



Re-exports BaseSchemaConfig


Re-exports CancellationToken


Re-exports CancellationTokenSource


Re-exports CompletionSettings


Re-exports DiagnosticSettings


Re-exports Emitter


Re-exports Environment


Re-exports FilePointer


Re-exports FormattingOptions


Re-exports GraphQLLanguageConfig


Re-exports ICreateData


Re-exports IDisposable


Re-exports IDisposable


Re-exports IEvent


Re-exports IEvent


Re-exports IKeyboardEvent


Re-exports IMarkdownString


Re-exports IMouseEvent


Re-exports IPosition


Re-exports IRange


Re-exports IScrollEvent


Re-exports ISelection


Re-exports ITrustedTypePolicy


Re-exports ITrustedTypePolicyOptions


Re-exports JSONDiagnosticOptions


Re-exports KeyCode


Re-exports KeyMod


Re-exports LANGUAGE_ID


Re-exports LANGUAGE_ID


Re-exports MarkdownStringTrustedOptions


Re-exports MarkerSeverity


Re-exports MarkerTag


Re-exports ModeConfiguration


Re-exports MonacoGraphQLAPI


Re-exports MonacoGraphQLAPIOptions


Re-exports MonacoGraphQLInitializeConfig


Re-exports Position


Re-exports Range


Re-exports SchemaConfig


Re-exports SchemaEntry


Re-exports SchemaLoader


Re-exports Selection


Re-exports SelectionDirection


Re-exports Thenable


Re-exports Token


Re-exports Uri


Re-exports UriComponents


Re-exports Window


Re-exports diagnosticSettingDefault


Re-exports editor


Re-exports formattingDefaults


Re-exports initializeMode


Re-exports initializeMode


Re-exports languages


Re-exports modeConfigurationDefault


Re-exports worker

Type aliases


BaseSchemaConfig: { buildSchemaOptions?: BuildSchemaOptions; documentAST?: DocumentNode; documentString?: undefined | string; introspectionJSON?: IntrospectionQuery; introspectionJSONString?: undefined | string; schema?: GraphQLSchema }

Type declaration

  • Optional buildSchemaOptions?: BuildSchemaOptions
  • Optional documentAST?: DocumentNode
  • Optional documentString?: undefined | string
  • Optional introspectionJSON?: IntrospectionQuery
  • Optional introspectionJSONString?: undefined | string
  • Optional schema?: GraphQLSchema


CompletionSettings: AutocompleteSuggestionOptions & { __experimental__fillLeafsOnComplete?: undefined | false | true }


DiagnosticSettings: { jsonDiagnosticSettings?: monaco.languages.json.DiagnosticsOptions; validateVariablesJSON?: Record<string, string[]> }

Type declaration

  • Optional jsonDiagnosticSettings?: monaco.languages.json.DiagnosticsOptions

    the default JSONDiagnosticOptions from monaco-editor's json mode - to use when applying variablesJSON. some examples of settings to provide here:

    • allowComments: true enables jsonc editing
    • validateSchema: 'warning'
    • trailingComments is error by default, and can be warning or ignore {languages.json.DiagnosticsOptions}
  • Optional validateVariablesJSON?: Record<string, string[]>

    whilst editing operations, alongside graphql validation, generate json schema for variables to validate json schema models

    validateVariablesJSON: {
      "monaco://my-operation.graphql": ["monaco://my-variables.json"]


FilePointer: string | string[]


FormattingOptions: { prettierConfig?: PrettierConfig }

Type declaration

  • Optional prettierConfig?: PrettierConfig


GraphQLLanguageConfig: { completionSettings?: Omit<CompletionSettings, "uri">; customValidationRules?: ValidationRule[]; externalFragmentDefinitions?: FragmentDefinitionNode[] | string; fillLeafsOnComplete?: undefined | false | true; parseOptions?: ParseOptions; parser?: typeof parse; schemaLoader?: SchemaLoader; schemas?: SchemaConfig[] }

For the monaco-graphql language worker, these must be specified in a custom webworker. see the readme.

Type declaration

  • Optional completionSettings?: Omit<CompletionSettings, "uri">
  • Optional customValidationRules?: ValidationRule[]

    Custom validation rules following graphql ValidationRule signature

  • Optional externalFragmentDefinitions?: FragmentDefinitionNode[] | string

    External fragments to be used with completion and validation

  • Optional fillLeafsOnComplete?: undefined | false | true

    Should field leafs be automatically expanded & filled on autocomplete?

    NOTE: this can be annoying with required arguments


    use completionSettings.fillLeafsOnComplete instead

  • Optional parseOptions?: ParseOptions

    Custom options passed to parse, whether graphql parse by default or custom parser

  • Optional parser?: typeof parse

    Provide a parser that matches graphql parse() signature Used for internal document parsing operations for autocompletion and hover, graphql-language-service-parser is used via graphql-language-service-interface

  • Optional schemaLoader?: SchemaLoader

    Take a variety of schema inputs common for the language worker, and transform them to at least a schema if not other easily available implementations

  • Optional schemas?: SchemaConfig[]

    An array of schema configurations from which to match files for language features You can provide many formats, see the config for details!


GraphQLWorkerCompletionItem: GraphQLCompletionItem & { command?: CompletionItem["command"]; range?: monaco.IRange }


JSONDiagnosticOptions: DiagnosticsOptions


MonacoCompletionItem: CompletionItem & { deprecationReason?: string | null; isDeprecated?: undefined | false | true }


MonacoCompletionItem: CompletionItem & { deprecationReason?: string | null; isDeprecated?: undefined | false | true }


MonacoGraphQLAPIOptions: { completionSettings: CompletionSettings; diagnosticSettings: DiagnosticSettings; formattingOptions: FormattingOptions; languageId: string; modeConfiguration: ModeConfiguration; schemas?: SchemaConfig[] }

Type declaration


MonacoGraphQLInitializeConfig: { completionSettings?: CompletionSettings; diagnosticSettings?: DiagnosticSettings; formattingOptions?: FormattingOptions; modeConfiguration?: ModeConfiguration; schemas?: SchemaConfig[] }

Configuration to initialize the editor with

Type declaration

  • Optional completionSettings?: CompletionSettings

    custom (experimental) settings for autocompletion behaviour

  • Optional diagnosticSettings?: DiagnosticSettings

    custom settings for diagnostics (validation)

  • Optional formattingOptions?: FormattingOptions

    provide prettier formatting options as prettierConfig.<option>

      formattingOptions: { prettierConfig: { useTabs: true } }
  • Optional modeConfiguration?: ModeConfiguration

    Generic monaco language mode options, same as for the official monaco json mode

  • Optional schemas?: SchemaConfig[]

    Specify array of SchemaConfig items used to initialize the GraphQLWorker if available. You can also api.setSchemaConfig() after instantiating the mode.


SchemaConfig: { buildSchemaOptions?: BuildSchemaOptions; customScalarSchemas?: Record<string, JSONSchema6>; documentAST?: DocumentNode; documentString?: undefined | string; fileMatch?: string[]; introspectionJSON?: IntrospectionQuery; introspectionJSONString?: undefined | string; schema?: GraphQLSchema; uri: string }

Inspired by the monaco-json schema object in DiagnosticSettings["schemas"], which we use :)

You have many schema format options to provide, choose one!

For large schemas, try different formats to see what is most efficient for you.

Type declaration

  • Optional buildSchemaOptions?: BuildSchemaOptions

    provide custom options when using buildClientSchema, buildASTSchema, etc

  • Optional customScalarSchemas?: Record<string, JSONSchema6>

    JSON schemas ued for custom scalars

     customScalarSchemas: {
       DateTime: {
         type": "string",
         format": "date-time"
  • Optional documentAST?: DocumentNode

    A GraphQL DocumentNode AST

  • Optional documentString?: undefined | string

    An SDL document string

  • Optional fileMatch?: string[]

    An array of URIs or globs to associate with this schema in the language worker Uses picomatch which supports many common expressions except brackets Only necessary if you provide more than one schema, otherwise it defaults to the sole schema

  • Optional introspectionJSON?: IntrospectionQuery

    A parsed JSON literal of the introspection results

  • Optional introspectionJSONString?: undefined | string

    A stringified introspection JSON result

  • Optional schema?: GraphQLSchema

    A GraphQLSchema instance

  • uri: string

    A unique uri string for this schema. Model data will eventually be set for this URI for definition lookup


SchemaEntry: { documentString?: undefined | string; introspectionJSONString?: undefined | string; schema: GraphQLSchema }

Type declaration

  • Optional documentString?: undefined | string
  • Optional introspectionJSONString?: undefined | string
  • schema: GraphQLSchema


SchemaLoader: (schemaConfig: SchemaConfig, parser: GraphQLLanguageConfig["parser"]) => GraphQLSchema

This schema loader is focused on performance for the monaco worker runtime We favor taking in stringified schema representations as they can be used to communicate Across the main/webworker process boundary


Type declaration

    • (schemaConfig: SchemaConfig, parser: GraphQLLanguageConfig["parser"]): GraphQLSchema
    • Parameters

      • schemaConfig: SchemaConfig
      • parser: GraphQLLanguageConfig["parser"]

      Returns GraphQLSchema



LANGUAGE_ID: "graphql" = "graphql"




Const defaultSchemaLoader

  • defaultSchemaLoader(schemaConfig: SchemaConfig, parser: undefined | parse): GraphQLSchema

Const getModelLanguageId

  • getModelLanguageId(model: ITextModel): any

Const getStringSchema

  • getStringSchema(schemaConfig: SchemaConfig): { documentString: string } | { introspectionJSONString: string }







  • toGraphQLPosition(position: Position): GraphQLPosition


  • toMarkerData(diagnostic: Diagnostic): IMarkerData
  • Monaco and Vscode have slightly different ideas of marker severity. for example, vscode has Error = 1, whereas monaco has Error = 8. this takes care of that


    • diagnostic: Diagnostic

    Returns IMarkerData

    the matching marker severity level on monaco's terms


  • toMonacoRange(range: GraphQLRange): IRange

Object literals

Const completionSettingDefault

completionSettingDefault: object


__experimental__fillLeafsOnComplete: false = false

Const diagnosticSettingDefault

diagnosticSettingDefault: object


jsonDiagnosticSettings: object


schemaValidation: "error" = "error"

Const formattingDefaults

formattingDefaults: object


prettierConfig: object


tabWidth: number = 2

Const modeConfigurationDefault

modeConfigurationDefault: object


colors: false = false


completionItems: true = true


diagnostics: true = true


documentFormattingEdits: true = true


documentRangeFormattingEdits: false = false


documentSymbols: false = false


foldingRanges: false = false


hovers: true = true


selectionRanges: false = false


tokens: false = false

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